"We are seeds" story quilt
Created by Beth Mount (bethmount.org)
justus cafe
...arts of social change
justus cafe is an online space offering multiple ways to connect people in communities around the world that are engaging in the arts of social change; the creative work of doing justice; seeking to align in right relationship with each other, and the earth that is our home.
Some truths remain...One earth. One shared home...Everything is connected...We are all born IN...One humanity.
There is an ancient understanding of justice as the state of “right” relationships. When we are in right relationship, we know it in our bodies. We know that it feels right.
Justice is not a permanent state. It is a moveable feast that requires perpetual work and attention. Every day we get to choose to live as if it is just "us", striving for the right relationships with each other and the earth...or not.
There is something to learn from each one of us, and every effort to lean into justice (justus), and create a "beloved community"
Cafes are hubs of modern public social interaction and ideal spots to enjoy a warm beverage with good company, or in the solitary comfort of one’s own thoughts.
Cafes can be places of hospitality and welcome; a place to see art; to read; to gather with others in conversation, and dialogue, sharing ideas and experiences; a place to listen to music, poetry, and ideas; a place to reflect; or just be.
There is nothing that compares with a well loved, local community cafe. But we hope that you will feel welcome, grab a warm beverage, and spend some time with us here at our global community cafe
the arts of social change
There is an art to "social change", experienced in the ways we organize that shift how we gather, interact, and live together.
In the art of social change we can experience the fruits of the practice of "artists and makers" who create through sensing, reflecting, interpreting, and expressing what is seen and felt in the ways we live together, or apart.
In this space we will feature artist's reflections on the process of making that is inspired by the desire to create a more just world, and share the artifacts that been formed through their practice.
Photograph by Wildstyle Paschall

just threads blog
We will be writing reflections on experiences with people here in the cafe, and in the world around us. We will be inviting friends, colleagues, and other interesting people to share their writing on what they are seeing and thinking about the heart of the matter.

A collection of videos that reflect our journey, and the spirit of the arts of social change

doing justus podcast
In our podcast we will engage in conversations with people exploring: what does it take to do justice?; uncovering stories that can reflect and point us to what justice might look and feel like; and ways of being and doing in the midst of injustice.

doing justus podcast
In our podcast we will engage in conversations with people exploring: what does it take to do justice?; uncovering stories that can reflect and point us to what justice might look and feel like; and ways of being and doing in the midst of injustice.
Local community cafes are often places where people come together to listen to music, poetry, book readings, or talks; gather for conversation in book clubs, movie nights, and support groups. Our cafe will make some of these options available for people around the world to gather and connect.