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Sky Lake Reflections

Discovering Wisdom in the Creative Process


A group of people from across North America gathered in August 2023 at Sky Lake Shambala Meditation and Retreat Center in upstate New York to explore the Social Arts and creative process. 

The group was guided in discovery by Arawana HayashiBeth MountEdinson R-Castaño, and Barbara Bash, each gifted practitioners and artists. We were introduced to embodied awareness practices that could lead us to finding our next move, making our mark, uncovering our vision, finding our rhythm, and weaving this wisdom together.

David Hasbury has curated this artifact incorporating images, thoughts, and poetry, that reflect moments of presence, and awareness of ways of knowing that inspire creation.

The gathering was part of Movalogue 2023. This year's theme:


“Revealing the Art and Heart of Daily Life”

Movalogue is rooted in Social Presencing Theater and unifies Movement and Dialogue. It was initiated out of a longing to create a collaborative, participatory space for SPT lovers to share experiences, deepen SPT practice and build heartfelt connections.

Reflejos del Lago del cielo

Descubrir la sabiduría en el proceso creativo

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